This is one of my favourite local band.Mesti ramai yang x pernah dengar band ni.Band ni from Singapore(pade aku Singapore is local).Aku suke band ni sbb style deorang maen mmg ade gaye² pop yea² sket+new age retro.Kenape aku suke pop yea²?Sbb aku suke la.haha.Pade aku pop yea² ni trademark for music over Malaya once upon a time ago(& forever).Tp skng da dilupekan.Ksian kn?Hope one day pop yea² style ni naek balek over mainstream.Skng sume music kt radio² melayu tu sme lebey kurang je.Mane x nye.komposer smue same.Aritu ade terjumpe article 'Hujan xnk pakai komposer' - majalah hiburan tempatan tu kate Hujan kerek xnk pakai komposer tempatan.otak lu kerek.xkan smue music kt malaysia nk kene hire komposer² yang menguasai radio malaysia skng?hadoi².baek aku dnga lagu industan ini mcm la.Ok,back to the topic-for me this band sound almost crackles and pops vinyl nostalgia, so damned cool and retro with astonishingly catchy melody that lies so abundantly easy on the ears, played to rich reverbed guitars on spring reverberation units, fat basslines, a cynical vocals and freak surfs drums.Mmg cun la kalaw denga. Neway,Force Vomit was formed in late 1993 and this motley crue of treble spankers had released a couple of critically acclaimed albums and demos.Tapi sungguh sayang,band² indie kt singapore ni susah siket nak jadi hebat mcm butterfingers,oag etc.Ruang mereke terhad.S'pore market kecik,x besa cm indie music scene kt M'sia.But nvm,they still active till now.Deorang bnyk perform and kadang² dpt gak ruang kt stage Malaysia.GOOD LUCK BROS.KEEP ROCK ON! Setakat ni deorang ade 2 album,sape nk try dengar-dipersilekan download.Susa aku carik album ni,ade la nk dkt staon aku carik baru jumpe (malas nk g Singapore cari).
THE FURNITURE GOES UP(1998) ::01: Standard Punishment ::02: Riot for Madame Chia ::03: The Return of Mona Koh ::04: Telephone ::05: Surf Ratz ::06: Last Nite I Said Goodbye ::07: Hey Turbo ::08: Revolution NTPS ::09: Welcome To Panic Stations ::10: Mona Koh ::11: Tadika Cupid ::12: Mr Trampoline Man :::::: Spacemen Over Malaysia :::::: Ride The Changi download
THE TRUSTFUND ROCKERS(2002) ::01: Siti ::02: He's No Longer ::03: Liberator ::04: (Are You) My Number One? ::05: Johnny Levitate ::06: Yr Ad Campaigns Empower Me ::07: The Kids Who WTF ::08: Aisakos Don't Die ::09: Auntie Trust ::10: Maintenance ::11: D Dreams download
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